Wednesday, June 30, 2004

heheheh.. ari ni berjaya gak aku register Gmail. 1 gigabyte emel for free. tq google for providing this service. this Gmail could only be registered by invitation only, or if u are an active blogger there's a link for you to register. try it... the battle between yahoo, microsoft and google seems to benefit the end user.. i cannot imagine how big the server room that they have.. it's must be huge. nways.. i still didnt use Gmail right now.. just registered it this morning. been surfing this web, set up for google email.. to get an invitation, u need to give a reason of what you will give to google staff in return.. everybody is eager to have this email..

here's some of the excuses they use just to get an invitation..

Chris K. wrote "Yes, you heard me! I will send you a copy of the 8-Mile soundtrack from the movie starring Eminem! The UNCUT version!"

, "because my dog want a gmail account too... it's a modern dog"(this guy got the invitation with that excuses?)

serius_problem , "I have many photo of my sister and some very pretty friends"

maliksahab, " My girlfriend.You can have her!
I'm serious....I will buy her a ticket and you can have her for the price of an invite. Send me an email if you want to see what she looks like
" (warghahaha giler tak sayang gf sial....)

Mr. Dancer, "If you invite me to Gmail I'm going to dance la Macarena Naked with a piano tie and an signboard "Im look stupid but I have a Gmail account"". (this guy sure is a desperate one..)

a4avaiz, " to clean your bathroom everyday.cause i believe in get and give. if i get an invite, then there r chances that i might also get invites and give them on Its a chain effect". (hey you should come to my house and clean my bathroom. warghahahaha)

giler banyak lagi yang dorang hantar.. aku tak larat nak baca. kalau korang nak tgk surf la web ni.

Monday, June 21, 2004

supplier: hello.. ni en. sangap ker?
aku: yer saye.. sapa ni?
suppiler: saya farah dari MS yang call minggu lepas..
aku: ooo.. ok.. yer ader aper?
supplier: so macamna? ader barang yang nak beli tak dari katalog tu?
aku: katalog? er.. bila pulak awak bagi saya katalog?
supplier: minggu lepas saya ader bagi kat awak, masa tu saya dtg kat lab awak.
aku: lab saya? lab mana yang awak masuk?
supplier: lab yang sebelah badminton court tu..
aku: aha.. mmg situ lab saya tapi awak bagi katalog tu kat sapa?
supplier: saya bagi kat this specky guy gaya org tua sikit.. saya tanya, en sangap ke ni? pastu org tu cakap a'ah saya en. sangap.
aku: warghahahhahahaha biler pulak saya pakai spek mata?
supplier: eh.. salah org ker..
aku: hahahha awak salah org la... patut la saya tunggu dari minggu lepas awak tak datang.
supplier: alamak... hmmm kalau gitu saya jumpa awak petang ni la..
aku: ok no problem. tapi pastikan awak jumpa dgn saya yer.. nnt tersilap dgn mat indon mana tah..
supplier: yea.. yea.. hehehe nnt saya konpomkan bebetul..

(nasib baik suara sedap... bole la layan..)

Monday, June 14, 2004

terbaca dalam surat khabar tentang seorang pelajar yang baru mendaftar kat UUM. kesian sbb dia cuma ader sebelah kaki. dia jalan tak pakai tongkat pon.. hmm betapa tabah hidup dia selama ni.. sejak dari kecik sampai skrg takde kaki. camna la org yang ader kaki skrg ni.. masih tak bersyukur?? fikirkan sendiri la erkk malas aku nak pikirkan utk korang. kalau korang yang diberi kaki dua ni takleh nak study bebetul tak tau la aku. (nasib baik aku dah lepas.. bole le membebel.. warghahahhaha)

going to ayer keroh, melaka end of this week. got to prepare for an exhibition that we are 'force' to participate. sumer geng jantan yang pergi. sbb kalau pompuan pergi nnt dorang kena angkat brg.. sumer takmo.. then satu lagik alasan, sbb org bujang senang sikit.. hehehehe taun depan depa takleh la guna alasan ni lagik. aku dah kawin, yuhuuuuuuuuu... hehehhe taun depan kiter tgk sapa yg kena lak..

makin dekat nak kawin, makin serabut lak kepala aku.. huh kena gi mengurut nih.. nak suruh sapa erk urut.. hehehe. oh yea.. lupa lak aku, smlm baru jer aku gi kursus pra-perkahwinan. yang dekat medan mara sebelah pertama komplek tuh.. lepas kursus rasa berkobar2 nih nak kawin, best wooooo.... warghahahahahha.. ada ustaz tu cakap, kalau ada yg tanya napa nak kawin, jawab jer "BEST!!!!"... warghahahahhaha.. best sial kursus smlm. lawak giler babih. penceramah sumer yg berkaliber, mostly from JAKIM and JAWI. oh.. dr ismail tambi pon ader. byk ilmu dia bgtau, kalau korang nak tau kena la hadiri kursus dulu.. yg lom kawen takleh tau.. nnt tak sesabar nak kawin lebih dari org dah tunang lak. masa kursus umi nampak ceria jerk.. smlm baru aku perasan muka umi berseri2.. org tua kata muka org nak kawin berseri2.. tul ker? tapi muka aku gelap sbb kena bakar dgn matahari.

skrg ni tgh survey kad kawen nih.. mungkin aku kena mintak tolong cik adzah yang comel (kene puji sket.. puji ader makna, hehehe) design kad kawen. yup mungkin aku tak tempah kat kedai utk kad kawin, design sendiri pastu gi kedai suruh buat printing. nak buat lain dari yg lain sket.. sbb aku rasa malas lak nak buat cam kad kawen biasa. buat sendiri nampak BESTT.. adzah bole tolong erk.. nnt aku belanjer ko makan eskrem.. cayang ko.. eh takleh cayang lelebih nnt umi marah lak.. warghahahhahaha. oklah adiosssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Thursday, June 10, 2004

okeh.. okeh.. aku try la jugak upset seberapa yg aku rajin.. skrg ni aku terrrramat la 'rajin' nyer.. ujung minggu lepas baru balik dari pulau tioman. abis gelap kulit aku kena bakar dgn matahari.. tapi takpe puas beb... aku nak letak gambar tapi filem kamera lom cuci aa.. aku tak pakai kamera digital beb.. duit tarak nak beli.. nnt lenkali ler kalau ader rezeki. balik dari cuti, check emel.. mak aiiii banyak gilos emel yg org anta. kereje pon makin bertambah. dakpa.. buat slow2 and steady.

minggu ni dah masuk pendaftaran semester baru.. hmm aku nak ambik subjek aper erk.. nak ambik subjek yg tak yah membaca bleh? pastu takyah exam skali.. kalau ader gitu kan sonang idup. aku ingat nak ambik subjek yg lecturer sem lepas ajar la.. tapi subjek lain la.. mana leh subjek sama. 2 subjek sem nih.. adusss malas nyer aku nak gi kelas. baik aku dok kat lab jer. sabaqq...

the big day is just around the corner.. rudy has ended his 'zaman bujang'. me? soon.. very soon.. but i'm not gonna do a website for wedding invitation as rudy did. maybe announce it in this blog. hey it's my space anyway.. umi cam dah tak sabar.. makin dekat ni makin banyak lak dugaan.

nak updet.. taknak updet.. nak updet.. taknak updet... warghhhhhhh penyakit malas updet datang lagikkkkkkkkkkkkk

Friday, June 04, 2004

kalau kite makan pisang, kiter buang kulit..
kalau makan kulit, kita buang apa ?

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

it's quite a hectic day lately.. been "making my self busy" these few days.. dont have much time to update my blog.. but anyhow i try to spend some ample time for it. i dunno what i'm gonna blabering about this time. last time i talk about org nak kawin.. but rite now seems no idea that come to my disfunctional brain. hmm maybe i need some adjusment..

next week i'm gonna register for a new semester.. hmmm it's been 2 semester already, but still i'm not satisfied with the progress. the project is slow.. need to boost a little bit. oh yeah.. i got a new student.. just graduated last year. he's doing a the project with me. hmm i could say he's kinda slow. the type of nerd people. cannot do his work faster. i know he's not experience.. but if u dont know how to do something, is it hard to ASK?.. type of bodoh sombong punyer org. luckily he's doing the same project. if not, sorry la aku nak tolong. enough about him la.. he didnt deserve to be written in this blog. shit la..

end of this week, i'm going for the tioman trip.. yahooooooo.. cant wait. i never been to pulau tioman before. i take 2 days leave on monday and tuesday. will depart from pudu on 4 june by bus. and i will be back on tuesday. manage to escape 2 meetings on monday and tuesday. warghahahahha good for me. borrow the camera from umi. (a reminder to myself: buy your fucking camera ok!). si sood bagidol is tagging along with me. there're few others coming along. but the bujang geng will go there by bus to the jetty. only the kawin geng will go by car.oklah.. my time is up.. need to go now.. cioa bebeh.